Github Pages for Helm chart repository

2 min readMay 26, 2020


Let’s go forward folks! I don't know why I write this but I was kind of angry and 0 motivation to work so here we go..

1- Create a repository in Github

Of course, you need to clone the repository, if you don't know how just google it

2- Create a helm chart for testing

$ mkdir helm-src && cd helm-src
$ helm create helm-test2-chart
Creating helm-test2-chart

3- Create a helm chart package

$ helm package helm-src/helm-test2-chart/
Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: /home/geekette/mines/helmtest/helm-test2-chart-0.1.0.tgz

4- Generate index.yaml file

A repository is characterized primarily by the presence of a special file called index.yaml that has a list of all of the packages supplied by the repository, together with metadata that allows retrieving and verifying those packages.

$ helm repo index --url .

Almost there folks hold on, it is a piece of cake :-D just add commit and push Hmmm…but we need a GitHub page ..ahh almost forget that

You will find a settings tab in your repository, click on it and head the road jack to Github Pages

So happy you want to share your chart with friends just

$ helm repo add mytesthelm
$ helm search repo mytesthelm
mytesthelm/helm-test-chart 0.1.2 1.13.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes

You can use it whenever you want

check my git here, you will find a primitive GithubAction workflow but I just want to test it and you can add some steps to deploy your charts to K8s.

PS: sorry for stupid commits :-p




Written by Geekette

Manal lamine just a simple human ( you can call me geekette )

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